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Our mission is to make investments accessible, available and understandable to everyone.

Fraction is a technology company that will bring down the wall which keeps wealth creating investment opportunities only to the select few. No more will you require deep pockets to start.

No more will you be forced to risk investing in things you don't really understand. Our easy to use, plug and play platforms are used by individuals and companies of all sizes to convert any assets, big or small, into a digital public companies to be invested and traded by individuals and companies of all sizes alike.

The Unified, Standardised and Complete Platform

We have done all the work for you - creating a complete investment infrastructure from primary to secondary markets and exchanges, working with regulators, designing legal and smart contracts structuring, linking the offline and online worlds, governance and compliances, banking, finances and wallets - so you can instantly play whichever role you want to play in this new, bigger and better capital market of the world.

A dinner table on the balcony by the sea
Professional Woman

Eka Nirapathpongporn

C0-founder and CEO

Shaun Sales

Co-founder and CTO

Kui Thanachaihirunsiri


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